


Yet Another Life.” Plume.

Passing through La Junta, Colorado, during a Storm.” AGNI Online.

A Brief History of Pomona House Parties". Alta Journal.

Aubade Desiring to Be an Ars Poetica, With a Release Date Inside it.” Poetry International.

After I’m Gone.” BOOM California.

“Ignacio Contemplates Ghostdom” and “Fifteen Minutes.” Smartish Pace.

“The Cave.” Los Angeles Review of Books.

Portrait of My Brother at Thirteen and 5’2’’.” The New Yorker.

My Brother Is Asking for Stamps” and “Because My Brother Knows Why It’s Called County Blues but Won’t Tell Me.” POETRY.

Pockets.” Poem-a-Day.

“Clothespins.” SALT.

“Doing Donuts in an ‘87 Mustang 5.0, After My Homie Chris Gets Broken Up With” and “All-American Mexican.” The Offing.

“Hired as Professional Mourner at Funeral.” The Georgia Review.

All-American Mexican (Story 3).” Missouri Review Poem of the Week.

“From My Classroom Window at the Prison, Before Students Arrive.” Ploughshares.

"Cuz Mom Said No Communion Without Confession." Fifth Wednesday Journal.

“The Pachuco’s Grandson Considers the Silversun Pickups’ Album Diana Lent Him When They Last Spoke Seven Years Ago.” Sycamore Review.

“December at Faribault Prison.” Southern Indiana Review.

“After the Man Who Found Me Doing Burpees at the Park Said: ‘I Can Tell You Learned Those On the Inside’” and “The Very Short Story of Your Knuckles.” Water~Stone Review.

Shout-Out Litany” and “Stop Looking at My Last Name Like That.” Sixth Finch.

“Ars Poetica.” Poetry Northwest.

“Down.” Juked.

“Elegy With Puppet Strings.” Copper Nickel.

 “The Pachuco’s Grandson Smokes His First Cigarette After Contemplating Masculinity.” Tahoma Literary Review.

My Hometown as a Man Riding a Bicycle with No Chain.” Tinderbox Poetry Journal.

“The Pachuco’s Grandson Considers Skipping School,” “Rumination #7” and “My Neighbor Who Keeps Dying Things.” The McNeese Review.

Suspended from School, the Pachuco’s Grandson Watches Happy Days While his Homie Fulfills Prophecy.” Hot Metal Bridge.

F is for Forever” and “The Flame.” cream city review.

“[          ] America: a Binary.” Green Mountains Review.

“Elegy with Roll Call.” Forklift, Ohio.

“Empties” and “Learning to Box.” Huizache.

After José Clemente Orozco’s Man of Fire.” The Brillantina Project.

On Endings” and “To Danny, After Listening to Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp a Butterfly.” The Acentos Review.

“After I’m Gone.” The Coiled Serpent: Poets arising from the cultural quakes and shifts of Los Angeles. Tia Chucha Press.

Push.” Okey-Panky.



Essays for My Daughter,The Sun.

“An Unfortunate Mosaic,” What We Hunger For: Refugee and Immigrant Stories about Food and Family, edited by Sun Yung Shin (Minnesota Historical Society Press).

Heading North to Become a Poet.” LitHub.

On Election Week and Loudness.” Poetry Foundation, Harriet Blog.

What Comes Back.” Poetry Foundation, Harriet Blog.

As If To Say.” The Sun.

Essay for My Five-Year-Old Daughter.” River Teeth, Beautiful Things Series.

Short Stories.” Paper Darts.

Visitations.” BOAAT.

On Being REMEK.” The Boiler Journal.


Cultural Weekly: an Interview with Michael Torres

SGV Weekly: Pomona’s fading graffiti reborn as exalted poetry.

On the Seawall: a Conversation with Michael Torres.

Fail Better: Looking for Home with Poet Michael Torres.

Literature in Color: An Incomplete List of Names.

Poets & Writers: Writers Recommend.

Under Pressure: Michael Torres.

In the Field: Conversations with Our Contributors—Michael Torres
